미국 F1 공립교환유학

HOME미국공립교환유학미국 F1 공립교환유학

지역구분 서부
주  이 름 California
도시이름 Van Nuys
지역규모 Large School
학 년 9~12
E  S  L 있음
학생:교사 28 to 1 학생수 2677
통학여부 통학 교복여부 아니오
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Birmingham Community Charter High School works hard to provide each student with a personalized, academically challenging learning environment. The school recognizes that all students learn in different ways, and has put together a dedicated staff to ensure that all students are learning to the best of their ability. The atmosphere created at the Birmingham Community Charter High School has given students invaluable experience as they move on towards the future.

About the Location: Van Nuys, California provides the ideal climate for outdoor activities. The city built a beautiful recreation area, which boasts lighted ball fields, tennis courts, and an indoor gymnasium. The Japanese Garden in Van Nuys provides an incredible scenic park, with beautiful paths and sights. Besides access to the Pacific Ocean, Van Nuys also a public swimming pool at one of their local parks. The city provides something for everyone to do.



Extracurricular Activities: Anime, Asian, Black Student, Christian, Crochet, French, Gay/Straight Alliance, Graphic Media, Key Club, Knights and Ladies, Knitting Club, Latino Club, MASH Club, Media, Medical Club, Mock Trail, Music Club, Play Production, Polynesian Club, Rock-It Science, Social Justice, Tech and Business, Thespians

Sports Offered: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Swimming, Softball, Track
